Q #1) What is Shell?
Answer: Shell is a command interpreter, which
interprets the command given by the user to the kernel. It can also be defined
as an interface between a user and the operating system.
Q #2) What is Shell Scripting?
Answer: Shell scripting is nothing but a series
or sequence of UNIX commands written in a plain text file. Instead of
specifying one job/command at a time, in shell scripting, we give a list of
UNIX commands like a to-do list in a file to execute it.
Q #3) What is the importance of
writing Shell Scripts?
Answer: Enlisted below points explain
the importance of writing shell scripts.
- Shell script takes input from
the user, file and displays it on the screen.
- Shell scripting is very useful
in creating your own commands.
- It is helpful in automating
some tasks of the day to day life.
- It is useful for automating
system administration tasks.
- Mainly it saves time.
Q #4) List some of the common
and most widely used UNIX commands.
Answer: Given below is a list of widely
used UNIX Commands.
Example/Usage of Command
1. $ ls
2. $ ls –lrt or $ ls -ltr |
1. It lists files in the current
2. It lists files in the long format. |
1. $ cd
2. $ cd test 3. $ cd .. (after cd space needs to be given before entering two dots.) |
1. It changes directory to your
home directory.
2. It changes directory to test. 3. It moves back to one directory or to the parent directory of your current directory. |
$ mkdir test
It creates a directory called
$ rmdir test1
CAUTION: Be careful while using this command. |
It removes directory test1.
1. $ cp file1 test
2. $ cp file1 file1.bak |
1. It copies file1 to test
2. It takes backup of file1. |
$ rm file1
CAUTION: Be careful while using this command. |
It removes or deletes a file1.
$ mv file1 file2
It moves or renames file1 to
$ more
It checks or display one page at a
$ touch test
It creates an empty file called
1. $ cat File1
2. $ cat test1 > test2 |
1. It displays contents of File1.
2. It creates a new file test2 with the contents of test1. |
$ compress file1
It reduces the size of file1 and
creates a compressed file called file1.z and deletes file1.
$ date
e.g. Output: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 06:58:06 AM MDT |
It displays current date and time.
$ diff file1 file2
It displays line by line
difference between file1 and file2.
$ find . –name ‘*.t’ -print
It searches in the current
directory and in all its subdirectories for files ending with .t, and writes
names in the output. |
$ finger
It displays information about
$ who
It lists the users those who are
logged in on the machine.
1.$ grep Hello file1
2.$ grep –c Hello file1 |
1. It searches for the lines
containing Hello in file1.
2. It gives count or number of lines that contains Hello in file1. |
$ kill 1498 |
It kills the process which is
having PID as 1498.
1.$ lpr –Pprinter1 test
2.$ lp file1 |
1. It sends file test to print it
on printer1.
2. It prints file1. |
$ man ls
It displays online manual or help
about ls command.
$ passwd
It is used to change the password.
$ pwd
e.g. Output: /u/user1/Shell_Scripts_2017 |
It displays present working
$ ps
e.g. Output: PID TTY TIME COMMAND 1498 3b 0:10 sh 1500 3b 0:05 sh |
It displays the list of processes
which are currently running on the machine.
$ talk user1
It is used to talk to the user1
who is currently logged into the same machine.
$ wc file1
e.g. Output: 4 6 42 file1 |
It counts the number of lines, words and characters in
$ chmod 744 file1
It changes the permissions of
file1 & assigns this permission rwxr--r--
$ gzip file1
It compresses the file1. After
compression file1 should look like this, file1.gz
$ gunzip file1.gz
It uncompresses the file1.gz.
After uncompression file1.gz should look like this, file1
$ history
It lists all the commands which
are recently used.
$ logname
e.g. Output: user1 |
It prints log name of the user.
$ uname
e.g. Output: SunOS |
It gives information about unix
system which you are using.
$ tty
e.g. Output: /dev/pts/1 |
It displays the device name of
your terminal.
$ sort file1
This will sort the contents of
file1 and displays sorted output on the screen.
$ head -15 file1
It displays first 15 lines of the
$ tail -15 file1
It displays last 15 lines of the
Q #5) Shell programs are stored
in which file?
Answer: Shell programs are stored in a file
called sh.
Q #6) What are the different
types of Shells available?
Answer: There are mainly 4 important types of
shells that are widely used.
And they include:
- Bourne Shell (sh)
- C Shell (csh)
- Korn Shell (ksh)
- Bourne Again Shell (bash)
Q #7) What are the advantages
of C Shell over Bourne Shell?
Answer: The advantages of C Shell over
Bourne Shell are:
- C shell allows aliasing of
commands i.e. a user can give any name of his choice to the command. This
feature is mainly useful when a user has to type the lengthy command again
and again. At that point of time, instead of typing a lengthy command a
user can type the name that he has given.
- C shell provides a command
history feature. It remembers the previously typed command. Thus, it
avoids typing the command again and again.
Q #8) In a typical UNIX
environment how many kernels and shells are available?
Answer: In a typical UNIX environment, only one
kernel and many shells are available.
Q #9) Is separate compiler
required for executing a shell program?
Answer: A separate compiler is not required to
execute a shell program. The shell itself interprets the command in the shell
program and executes them.
Q #10) How many shell scripts
come with UNIX operating system?
Answer: There are approximately 280 shell
scripts that come with the UNIX operating system.
Q #11) When should shell
programming/scripting not be used?
Answer: Generally, shell
programming/scripting should not be used in the below instances.
- When the task is very much
complex like writing the entire payroll processing system.
- Where there is a high degree of
productivity required.
- When it needs or involves
different software tools.
Q #12) Basis of shell program
relies on what fact?
Answer: The basis of shell programming relies on
the fact that the UNIX shell can accept commands not just only from the
keyboard but also from a file.
Q #13) What are the default
permissions of a file when it is created?
Answer: 666 i.e. rw-rw-rw- is the default
permission of a file, when it is created.
Q #14) What can be used to
modify file permissions?
Answer: File permissions can be modified
using umask.
Q #15) How to accomplish any
task via shell script?
Answer: Any task can be accomplished via shell
script at the dollar ($) prompt and vice versa.
Q #16) What are Shell
Answer: Shell variables are the main part of
shell programming or scripting. They mainly provide the ability to store and
manipulate information within a shell program.
Q #17) What are the two types
of Shell Variables? Explain in brief.
Answer: The two types of shell variables are:
#1) UNIX Defined Variables or
System Variables – These are
standard or shell defined variables. Generally, they are defined in CAPITAL
Example: SHELL – This is a Unix Defined or System
Variable, which defines the name of the default working shell.
#2) User Defined Variables – These are defined by users. Generally,
they are defined in lowercase letters
Example: $ a=10 –Here the user has defined a variable
called ‘a’ and assigned value to it as 10.
Q #18) How are shell variables
stored? Explain with a simple example.
Answer: Shell variables are stored as string
Example: $ a=10
In the above statement
a=10, the 10 stored in ‘a’ is not treated as a number, but as a string of
characters 1 and 0.
Q #19) What is the lifespan of
a variable inside a shell script?
Answer: The lifespan of a variable inside shell script
is only until the end of execution.
Q #20) How to make variables as
Answer: Variables can be made unchangeable
using readonly. For instance, if we want variable ‘a' value to remain as 10 and not change, then we can achieve this
using readonly.
$ a=10
$ readonly a
Q #21) How variables can be
wiped out?
Ans: Variables can be wiped out or erased
using the unset command.
$ a =20
$ unset a
Upon using the above
command the variable ‘a’ and its value 20 get erased from shell’s memory.
CAUTION: Be careful while using
this unset command.
Q #22) What are positional
parameters? Explain with an example.
Answer: Positional parameters are the variables
defined by a shell. And they are used whenever we need to convey information to
the program. And this can be done by specifying arguments at the command line.
There is a total of 9
positional parameters present i.e. from $1 to $9.
Example: $ Test Indian IT Industry has grown very much faster
In the above statement, positional parameters are assigned like this.
$0 -> Test (Name of a shell program/script)
$1 ->Indian
$2 -> IT and so on.
Q #23) What does the. (dot)
indicate at the beginning of a file name and how should it be listed?
Answer: A file name that begins with a. (dot) is
called as a hidden file. Whenever we try to list the files it will list all the
files except hidden files.
But, it will be
present in the directory. And to list the hidden file we need to use –a option
of ls. i.e. $ ls –a.
Q #24) Generally, each block in
UNIX is how many bytes?
Answer: Each block in UNIX is 1024 bytes.
Q #25) By default, a new file
and a new directory that is being created will have how many links?
Answer: New file contains one link. And a new
directory contains two links.
Q #26) Explain about file
Answer: There are 3 types of file
permissions as shown below:
r – read
w – write
x - execute
The above permissions
are mainly assigned to owner, group and to others i.e. outside the group. Out
of 9 characters first set of 3 characters decides/indicates the permissions
which are held by the owner of a file. The next set of 3 characters indicates
the permissions for the other users in the group to which the file owner
belongs to.
And the last 3 sets of
characters indicate the permissions for the users who are outside the group.
Out of the 3 characters belonging to each set, the first character indicates
the “read” permission, the second character indicates “write” permission and
the last character indicates “execute” permission.
Example: $ chmod 744 file1
This will assign the
permission rwxr–r–to file1.
Q #27) What is a file system?
Answer: The file system is a collection of files
that contain related information of the files.
Q #28) What are the different
blocks of a file system? Explain in brief.
Answer: Given below are the main 4
different blocks available on a file system.
File System
Block No.
Name of the Block
1st Block
Boot Block
2nd Block
Super Block
3rd Block
Inode Table
4th Block
Data Block
- Super Block: This block mainly tells about a state of the file
system like how big it is, maximum how many files can be accommodated,
- Boot Block: This represents the beginning of a file system. It
contains the bootstrap loader program, which gets executed when we boot
the host machine.
- Inode Table: As we know all the entities in a UNIX are treated as
files. So, the information related to these files is stored in an Inode
- Data Block: This block contains the actual file contents.
Q #29) What are the three different
security provisions provided by UNIX for a file or data?
Answer: Three different
security provisions provided by UNIX for a file or data are:
- It provides a unique user id
and password to the user, so that unknown or unauthorized person should
not be able to access it.
- At the file level, it provides
security by providing read, write & execute permissions for accessing
the files.
- Lastly, it provides security
using file encryption. This method allows encoding a file in an unreadable
format. Even if someone succeeds in opening a file, but they cannot read
its contents until and unless it is decrypted
Q #30) What are the three
editors available in almost all the versions of UNIX?
Answer: The three editors are ed, ex & vi.
Q #31) What are the three modes
of operation of vi editor? Explain in brief.
Answer: The three modes of operation of vi editors are,
- Command Mode: In this mode, all the keys pressed by a user are
interpreted as editor commands.
- Insert Mode: This mode allows for the insertion of a new text and
editing of an existing text etc.
- The ex-command Mode: This mode allows a user to enter the commands at a
command line.
Q #32) What is the alternative
command available to echo and what does it do?
Answer: tput is an
alternative command to echo.
Using this, we can
control the way in which the output is displayed on the screen.
Q #33) How to find out the
number of arguments passed to the script?
Answer: The number of arguments passed to the script
can be found by the below command.
echo $ #
Q #34) what are control
instructions and how many types of control instructions are available in a
shell? Explain in brief.
Answer: Control Instructions are the ones, which
enable us to specify the order in which the various instructions in a
program/script are to be executed by the computer. Basically, they determine a
flow of control in a program.
There are 4 types of control
instructions that are available in a shell.
- Sequence Control
Instruction: This ensures that the
instructions are executed in the same order in which they appear in the
- Selection or Decision
Control Instruction: It
allows the computer to take the decision as to which instruction is to be
executed next.
- Repetition or Loop Control
Instruction: It helps a computer to
execute a group of statements repeatedly.
- Case-Control Instruction: This is used when we need to select from several
Q #35) What are Loops and
explain three different methods of loops in brief?
Answer: Loops are the ones, which involve
repeating some portion of the program/script either a specified number of times
or until a particular condition is being satisfied.
3 methods of loops are:
- For Loop: This is the most commonly used loop. For loop
allows specifying a list of values that the control variable in the loop
can take. The loop is then executed for each value mentioned in the list.
- While Loop: This is used in a program when we want to do
something for a fixed number of times. While loop gets executed until it
returns a zero value.
- Until Loop: This is similar to while loop except that the
loop executes until the condition is true. Until the loop gets executed at
least once, it returns a non-zero value.
Q #36) What is IFS?
Answer: IFS stands for Internal Field Separator.
And it is one of the system variables. By default, its value is space, tab, and
a new line. It signifies that in a line where one field or word ends and
another begins.
Q #37) What is a Break
statement and what is it used for?
Answer: The break is a keyword and is used
whenever we want to jump out of a loop instantly without waiting to get back to
the control command.
When the keyword break
is encountered inside any loop in the program, control will get passed
automatically to the first statement after a loop. A break is generally associated
with an if.
Q #38) What is Continue
statement and what is it used for?
Answer: Continue is a keyword and is used
whenever we want to take the control to the beginning of the loop, by passing
the statements inside the loop which have not yet been executed.
When the keyword
Continue is encountered inside any loop in the program, control automatically
passes to the beginning of the loop. Continue is generally associated with an
Q #39) What are Metacharacters
in a shell? Explain with some examples.
Answer: Metacharacters are special characters in
a program or data field which provides information about other characters. They
are also called, regular expressions in a shell.
ls s* – It lists all
the files beginning with character ‘s’.
Execution over Shell
$ cat script1 >
script2 – Here output of cat command or script1 will go to a script2.
Execution over Shell
$ ls; who – This will
execute ls first and then who.
Execution over Shell Interpreter/Editor
Q #40) How to execute multiple
scripts? Explain with an example.
Answer: In a shell, we can easily execute
multiple scripts i.e. one script can be called from the other. We need to
mention the name of a script to be called when we want to invoke it.
Example: In the below program/script upon
executing the first two echo statements of script1, shell script executes
script2. Once after executing script2, the control comes back to script1 which
executes a pwd command and then terminates.
Code for script1
Code for script2
Execution of script1 over Shell
Output displayed on the Editor
upon executing script1
Q #41) Which command needs to
be used to know how long the system has been running?
Answer: uptime command
needs to be used to know how long the system has been running.
Example: $ uptime
On entering the above
command at shell prompt i.e. $ uptime, the output should look like this.
9:21am up 86
day(s), 11:46, 3 users, load average: 2.24, 2.18, 2.16
Execution over Shell

Q #42) How to find the current
shell which you are using?
Answer: We can find the current shell that we
are using with echo $SHELL.
Example: $ echo $SHELL
Execution over Shell
Q #43) How to find all the
available shells in your system?
Answer: We can find all the available shells in
our system with $ cat /etc/shells.
Example: $ cat /etc/shells
Execution over Shell
Q #44) How to read keyboard inputs
in shell scripts?
Answer: Keyboard inputs can be read in shell
scripts as shown below,
Execution over Shell
Q #45) How many fields are
present in a crontab file and what does each field specify?
Answer: The crontab file
has six fields. The first five fields tell cron when to
execute the command: minute(0-59), hour(0-23), day(1-31), month(1-12), and day
of the week(0-6, Sunday = 0).
And the sixth field
contains the command to be executed.
Q #46) What are the two files
of crontab command?
Answer: Two files of crontab command
- cron.allow – It decides which users need to be permitted
from using crontab command.
- cron.deny – It decides which users need to be prevented
from using crontab command.
Q #47) What command needs to be
used to take the backup?
Answer: tar is the
command which needs to be used to take the backup. It stands for tape archive.
The tar command is mainly used to save and restore
files to and from an archive medium like tape.
Q #48) What are the different
commands available to check the disk usage?
Answer: There are three different commands
available to check the disk usage.
They are:
- df – This command is used to check the free disk space.
- du – This command is used to check the directory wise disk usage.
- dfspace – This command is used to check the free disk space in terms of MB.
Q #49) What are the different
communication commands available in Unix/Shell?
Answer: Basically, there are 4 different communication
commands available in Unix/Shell. And they are mail, news, wall & motd.
Q #50) How to find out the
total disk space used by a specific user, say for example username is John?
Answer: The total disk space used by John can be
found out as:
du –s/home/John
Q #51) What is Shebang in a
shell script?
Answer: Shebang is a # sign followed by an
exclamation i.e. !. Generally, this can be seen at the beginning or top of the
script/program. Usually, a developer uses this to avoid repetitive work.
Shebang mainly determines the location of the engine which is to be used in
order to execute the script.
Here ‘#’ symbol is
called hash and ‘!’ is called a bang.
Example: #!/bin/bash
The above line also
tells which shell to use.
Q #52) What is the command to
be used to display the shell’s environment variables?
Answer: Command to be used to display the
shell’s environment variables is env or printenv.
Q #53) How to debug the
problems encountered in shell script/program?
Answer: Though it depends on the type of problem
encountered. Given below are some common methods used to debug the problems in
the script.
- Debug statements can be
inserted in the shell script to output/display the information which helps
to identify the problem.
- Using “set -x” we can enable
debugging in the script.
Q #54) How to know the variable
Answer: Variable length can be checked by $ {#variable}
Q #55) What is the difference
between = and ==?
= -> This is used
for assigning value to the variable.
== -> This is used for string comparison.
Q #56) How to open a read-only
file in Unix/shell?
Answer: Read-only file can be opened by:
vi –R <File Name>
Q #57) How can the contents of
a file inside jar be read without extracting in a shell script?
Answer: The contents of the file inside a jar can be
read without extracting in a shell script as shown below.
tar –tvf <File
Q #58) What is the difference
between diff and cmp commands?
Answer: diff –
Basically, it tells about the changes which need to be made to make files
cmp – Basically it compares two files byte
by byte and displays the very first mismatch.
Q #59) Explain in brief about
sed command with an example.
Answer: sed stands
for stream editor. And it is used for editing a file
without using an editor. It is used to edit a given stream i.e. a file or input
from a pipeline.
Syntax: sed options file
Execution over Shell

Here ‘s’ command present in sed will replace string Hello with Hi.
Q #60) Explain in brief about
awk command with an example.
Answer: awk is a data
manipulation utility or command. Hence, it is used for data manipulation.
Syntax: awk options File Name
awk utility/command
assigns variables like this.
$0 -> For whole line (e.g. Hello John)
$1 -> For the first field i.e. Hello
$2 -> For the second field
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